In .NET MVC there are times where you may want to return either a ContentResult or ViewResult depending on the situation. For example you may want to return an application/json result for an API request but a structured view with timing information (such as when using MiniProfiler) when visiting the route in the browser.

I had to find out how to construct the different types of results separately first. The main properties that need to be set for a new ViewResult object are the ViewName and the ViewData. ViewData has a Model property where you can set the model that you would like to return with the view. The SimpleResponse model is a simple model that just has a JSON property that I use to display the JSON output of an API route in a nicely-formatted way.

var view = new ViewResult();
view.ViewName = "~/Views/Sys/Response.cshtml";
view.ViewData.Model = new Models.SimpleResponse() { JSON = APIResponse.Serialize(obj) }; //This just uses Newtonsoft.Json to serialize the response
return view;

For a ContentResult, you only need to set the content type and the content of the response. Because the API I am developing uses JSON responses, the content type is application/json; charset=UTF-8.

var content = new ContentResult();
content.Content = Serialize(obj);
content.ContentType = "application/json; charset=UTF-8";
return content;

Now, we can put this all together into a practical example. Inside a class called APIResponse I have a method called Resolve.

/// <summary>
/// Figures out whether the response should be a ContentResult or
/// a ViewResult. If the request is local and the request contenttype
/// is not "application/json; charset=UTF-8", then that means a developer
/// is looking at the page in a browser. This renders the Response.cshtml
/// View with MiniProfiler so query statistics can be observed.
/// Otherwise, a ContentResult is returned with the JSON serialized object
/// which is passed in from the controller.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj">The object to serialize to JSON from the controller.</param>
public static ActionResult Resolve(object obj)
	if (HttpContext.Current.Request.IsLocal && HttpContext.Current.Request.ContentType != "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
		var view = new ViewResult();
		view.ViewName = "~/Views/Sys/Response.cshtml";
		view.ViewData.Model = new Models.SimpleResponse() { JSON = WOLASAPI.lib.APIResponse.Serialize(obj) };
		return view;
		var content = new ContentResult();
		content.Content = Serialize(obj);
		content.ContentType = "application/json; charset=UTF-8";
		return content;

// You can then use this in a controller like so
public ActionResult GetPerson(int id) {
    var person = db.person.Find(id);
    return APIResponse.Resolve(person);