The Beginning
I suppose the best way to start off this blog is with some introductions. I’m Martin Brennan, and I’m a web developer based in Brisbane, Queensland which is in the lovely nation of Australia. I love web development, reading, writing and imbibing. But enough about me for now. Let’s get into it!
You may be wondering why I’ve decided to start yet another web development / design blog when there are so many already, and let me tell you I was wondering the same thing. I’d like to think that I have something insightful to share, and that I will be helping out the web development community by contributing something back after learning so much from it over the past few years.
Whether I am insightful or helpful will become abundantly clear in due time I’m sure, but my main goal with this site is just to get my knowledge out there and interact with other developers that share my passion in this thing of ours.
I will be writing tutorials, observations and articles, things I find interesting including new technologies and developments, and other general design and development information that I hope you will all find useful.
I’m really looking forward to writing a whole bunch on my favourite topic, so stay tuned for more! And so you don’t miss a beat, be sure to subscribe or follow me on Twitter @mjrbrennan.